Greetings and Salutations!

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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Last Semester!!!

Now, we finally come to the moment I've been waiting for!! The moment my life will begin.... graduation! But before we can come to that I must finish my last semester of torture. And when I say torture, that pretty much describes my classes, or at the very least, one of them. By it's title 'Issues in Computing' those who know me shouldn't be too surprised that I didn't enjoy it. However, it was so much worse than expected. I've never used Matlab before and this class required a lot of programming in Matlab. But I have to say, this semester was the first semester I kept bumping into people I knew in all my classes. I ended up only taking three classes, but the guy who crashed into my car at the end of the Spring semester was in two of my classes. Sadly, he didn't fall in love with me and he barely helped me in either class, but it was an extremely funny coincidence. I continued to work at the Math Emporium again (my fifth semester of work there) and in the process I met and became friends with a new employee, as well as getting to know one of my other co-workers, who I met during the Spring semester, better.

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